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4. Photogenerated Intrinsic Free Carriers in Small-molecule Organic Semiconductors Visualized by Ultrafast Spectroscopy,Xiaochuan He, Gangbei Zhu, Jianbing Yang, Hao Chang, Qingyu Meng, Hongwu Zhao, Xin Zhou, Shuai Yue, Zhuan Wang, Jinan Shi, Lin Gu, Donghang Yan & Yuxiang Weng, Scientific Reports 5:17076(2015)
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6. Spin dynamics of the potassium magnetometerin spin-exchange relaxation free regimeJi-Qing Fu(伏吉庆)1, Peng-Cheng Du(杜鹏程)2, Qing Zhou(周庆)2, and Ru-Quan Wang(王如泉)1,Chin. Phys. BVol. 25, No. 1 (2016) 010302
7. High-Performance Sodium Bose–Einstein Condensate Apparatus with a HybridTrap and Long-Distance Magnetic Transfer∗ZHANG Feng(张峰), LONG Yun(龙云), YANG Jiang-Ling(杨江陵), MA Guo-Qiang(马国强),YIN Ji-Ping(殷冀平), WANG Ru-Quan(王如泉),CHIN.PHYS.LETT. Vol.32, No.12(2015)123701
8. Tunable atomic spin-orbit coupling synthesized with a modulating gradient magnetic fieldXinyuLuo1, LingnaWu1, JiyaoChen1, QingGuan2, KuiyiGao2, Zhi-FangXu3, L.You1,4 & RuquanWang,ScientificRepoRts | 6:1898(2016)
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11. Liu GQ, Zhang YR, Chang YC, Yue JD, Fan H, Pan XY* “Demonstration of entanglement-enhanced phase estimation in solid”, Nature Communications 6, 6726 (2015).
12. Transition from Autler–Townes splitting to electromagnetically induced transparency based on the dynamics of decaying dressed states, Xiaogang Lu, Xingxu Miao, Jinhai Bai, Liya Pei, Meng Wang, Yanlei Gao, Ling-An Wu, Panming Fu, Ruquan Wang and Zhanchun Zuo, 2015 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 055003
1. Jiang QQ, Liu DQ, Liu GQ, Chang YC, Li WX, Pan XY, Gu CZ*. “Focused-ion-beam overlay-patterning of 3D diamond structures for advanced single-photon properties”. Journal of Applied Physics, accepted (2014).
2. Liu GQ, Jiang QQ, Chang YC, Liu DQ, Li WX, Gu CZ, Po HC, Zhang WX, Zhao N, Pan XY*. “Protection of centre spin coherence by dynamic nuclear spin polarization in diamond”. Nanoscale, accepted (2014).
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7. Hong-Xing Yin, Chuan-Rui Zhu,Yan Shen,Hai-Fang Yang,Zhe Liu,Chang-Zhi Gu,Bao-Li Liu,and Xian-Gang Xu.”Enhanced light extraction in n-GaN-based light-emitting diodes with three-dimensional semi-spherical structure”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 061113 (2014)
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